Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Time for the Tip-Off

My last post left several wondering what the initials 'DMD' represented. It always amazes me how most of us humans so easily fall prey to Diminishing Memory Disorder. It strikes whenever, wherever and whomever if we're not careful. None are immune from some stage of this disorder. Symptoms to watch for that alerts one to the early stages of 'DMD' are 1) sour mood, 2) unwillingness to laugh, and 3) seeing the bogey man waiting at every turn.

Yes, we take life too seriously too often. Perhaps this is why we need the artists of the world to remind us of the beauty and goodness of life. Like ice sculptures. Few things have less permanence than ice sculpture. Yet what an awesome ability to create beauty out of nothing special. Guys who take chain saws to logs and make carvings of various animals like bears and buffaloes amaze me to no end. I can just stand in amazement looking at the beauty carved out of an ordinary log. Before I forget here is a marvelous video of ice sculptures that are exceptional.

Click on for pure enchantment.

Now it is time for the tip-offs to begin. Rock Chalk JAYHAWKS!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! Ray's blogging! Consider yourself added to my blogroll and feed reader.

    Those ice sculptures are amazing. Now I have a new place to add to my list of places to visit.

    And for the record, "Gig 'em Ags!"
