Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Elusive Magical Exercise Machine

Today was a beautiful day. It was so beautiful that it was almost a sin not to be on the golf course. So Lord, I repent for not golfing today! Now that this matter is resolved we can talk about more serious matters.

In my quest to stay in some semblance of healthy shape I purchased a bike three months ago. Just in time for the winter weather to cancel out all practical use for the bike. But the bike is only good for the cardiovascular system (and my legs). It does very little for the gut. So for trimming of the abs comes the necessary sit-up bar. What am I thinking? Sit-ups? I hate sit-ups. How much use will the sit-up bar gets - well let's say it may sale some day with a "slightly used" sign on it. However, now that I am set up to get physically fit, along comes a TV ad for some walking treadmill/machine that will keep you fit by simply walking. In fact this device is so efficient that it gives you more of a work out than other running treadmills. But this super efficient machine does not go far enough. Soon there will be a real breakthrough exercising device. I am eagerly waiting for the day when they come up with an 'exercising TV'. I am not talking about an exercise DVD but a real TV that exercises your thighs, abs, gluts, heart, ear lobes and pinkies all while just sitting watching some program. And in the midst of pondering this great future machine it occurred to me that we already have this available for one month of the year. It is called March Madness!

As I sit and watch the ballgames I will arise from the couch to grab a drink or reach for more "vitamins". Each time I arise I exercise my abs. Walking to the kitchen for more refills must surely cause my thighs to cry out for relief from the constant walking back and forth. The 'gluts' - whatever they are can just be ignored. The heart rate climbs in proportion to the closeness of the game. The sustained heart rate that everyone talks about is easily attained if your team is marginal and can not achieve a blowout. Ear lobes and pinkies get their share of workout just from being there to squeeze, pull, or twist to relieve nervous energy and to abate panic attacks.
Yes, March Madness is the true magical exercise experience. Oops, I just dropped some popcorn on the floor. That's great. Just bending over to pick it up exercises the abs. That's one less sit-up to do this evening. Hooray for dropped popcorn!

In three days I and four others will be heading to Honduras to do some construction work at New Life Children's Home in Jalaca. Our assignment, dig a hole 8'(L)x8'(W)x10'(H) and build a septic tank inside the hole. We'll see how our backs hold up through the week. A week of this work is good for a year worth of sit-ups. I can see it now, take that sit-up bar back to the store.

I put out the last of the bird seed this evening. When the birds finish what's out in the bird feeders they will be on their own. This is another sign that spring is just about here! Next it will time for the hummingbirds! Hooray.

It has been one year since starting this blog. Looking back I wish I had written more consistently. But I also am surprised that I wrote as much as I did. Actually, everything over twelve posts should be considered miraculous for me. So we head into year number 2. Hopefully many more posts are to come.



  1. Hey Pastor Ray, I've had my blog a little longer than you, and I think I have less posts! So good job.

  2. You should package your exercise program and sell it in an infomercial.
