Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Morning After

Wow. Yesterday's election in Massachusetts was another "Boston Tea Party". I guess you might say that Bostonians know how to shake things up. Here is this simpleton's 'take' of the events last night viewed from afar.

Thank you David Gergen -
David Gergan, the CNN news guy/former Washington DC political advisor/professor at Harvard Kennedy School, provided the perfect opportunity for Scott Brown to win the hearts of the people in Massachusetts. In a debate several weeks ago, serving as the moderator/questioner, he asked Scott Brown about his chance of claiming the Kennedy seat in the Senate. Scott Brown's reply won thousands of votes. His reply was, "It is not Kennedy's seat, it is the people's seat." With this comment he drew even and took the momentum of the campaign to his side.

Acceptance Speech -
Scott Brown gave a good acceptance speech, thanking all the right people. It was noticeable that he profusely thanked the independent voters of Massachusetts far more than he thanked those in the Republican party. Perhaps this was because the RNC (Republican National Committee) did not contribute much money or hope for his election. This is the second election in a row in which the RNC looked like absolute hayseeds emerging from a cave. In the congressional election in upstate New York a couple of months ago, the Republican party elites backed a liberal republican only to find her tanking as the voters were backing a conservative independent. Only at the last second of that election did the RNC jump on the bandwagon. The same scenario played out in Massachusetts. The RNC thought Scott Brown had no chance so why invest in a losing cause. Only in the last weeks of the campaign, after the momentum had clearly swung in Brown's favor, did the RNC get on the bandwagon.

"Tea Partiers" -
Those most happy on the morning after are the "Tea Partiers". Scott Brown mirrors them. More independent than republican. Not ready to swear allegiance to the Republican Party but will use the party as the only viable outlet at this time to effect political change. If the Republican Party does not get it's act together, "Tea Partiers" will go another route as there is little loyalty to the Republican Party. And this is so with good cause.

One Down, Ninety-Nine To Go -
Only 99 more senators to replace! Even the Republicans need to be replaced! The Republicans in the Senate under Bush did exactly what the Democrats in the Senate are doing under Obama. Bush started the bailouts (with Republican Senators support.) Obama simply took the blueprint and ran farther and faster with it.

The Real Winner -
Amid the speculation of whether the White House 'learned a lesson' last night and how it will respond, the health care debate will go forward by the White House with greater urgency. The Democrats 'lost' that precious 60th vote last night. But remember, in November they bought the 60th vote from Senator Mary Landrieu, securing it with a $100 million gift to the State of Louisiana. Then last month they bought the 60th wavering vote from Senator Ben Nelson, securing it with a gift of indefinite millions of dollars to the State of Nebraska. So, dear friends, it will not come as a surprise when the 60th vote is bought again. And the winner is . . . The state of Maine! With Maine's two liberal Republican Senators, the courting (buying) of just one of their votes will be awesome to behold. It is just too bad no one will be behind the closed door to see the deal being made.

Well, I'm off to have a great day. I hope your day is great too!

1 comment:

  1. Last night was a great example of real politics in action, and that every vote counts. It was as exciting to watch as the Nov 08 election was depressing. But I don't doubt there will be more shenanigans behind the scenes with the dems. November can't come too soon.
