Friday, October 16, 2009

Sunny Days Are Here Again

Two weeks ago I attended the Texas State Fair. It rained that day. And it has been raining ever since. Eight inches of rain in the past two weeks. Cloudy and overcast everyday. North Texans were on their knees pleading for sunshine. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Wednesday night I MADE MY CONFESSION TO A FRIEND. I was responsible for all the rain. It was because I went to the State Fair. Within twenty-four hours the skies cleared and the sun was back in its rightful place. All is well again. The past two weeks made us all yearn for God's Country (KANSAS) where in their state song the line "where the skies are not cloudy all day" rang true to our hearts. After the past two weeks it makes a person wonder how those poor souls survive in the Great Northwest.

Last Wednesday night, after making my confession, I felt so good that I invited a couple over to the house following the church activities to roast marshmallows over a new outdoor fire pit I had recently purchased. As earlier noted, it had rained eight inches and everything was soaked (including the firewood). This was no problem. Earlier in the day I discovered some lighter fluid left over from some distant grill out and figured I could use the lighter fluid to soak the wood and get it to burn enough to dry out and thus I would be in 'tall cotton' with a roaring fire amidst the wet wonderland. Alas there was not enough lighter fluid to complete the task so it was nip and tuck as to whether we could get the wood dry enough to stay burning. But God is good and with some newspaper and prayer we succeeded in getting the wood finally burning. Then I strode into the house to get the marshmallows only to discover the bag of marshmallows in the cupboard was a bag of miniature marshmallows! I can say that roasting miniature marshmallows is a real waste of time. They burn quickly. They have little taste. And the effort expended is not worth the reward received. Lessons learned through this futile event are: 1) Buy a full bottle of lighter fluid, 2) Dry out wood in the kitchen stove first, and 3) Buy bigger marshmallows!

Papa Was A Rolling Stone (playing in the background) sure takes one back down memory lane!

Three days from now I will be in Honduras. My two traveling companions, Jack and Leonard, and I will be conducting seminars for pastors. One never quite knows what to expect at these seminars. Last year it was marriages that were about to be ended that was the side issues we dealt with amidst the seminar. I am happy to report that the marriages are still together and improved. I am eager to get the recent update from the pastors and their wives. Another time in the Philippines it was a surprise to us to have a pastor tell us that he did not know he could show Grace to his church. Law was all he knew. It will be good to again rub shoulders with the pastors of Talanga, Honduras.

May everyone have a blessed day.

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