Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Light Headed

I feel light headed at this time. Something is missing. Wait. I know what it is. Proverbs 12:4 states, "A wife of noble character is her husband's crown." That's it. My crown is missing! It is amazing how we men do manage to 'marry up' most of the time.

Speaking of crowns. Twila Paris' song Let No Man Take Your Crown has these lyrics:

A crown is heavy, you could fall beneath the weight
Consider carefully before you abdicate
The King has given you responsibility
And when you wear it, you wear His authority
Let no man take it, let no man take it.

Let no man take your crown
Let no man take your crown
Till at His feet you lay it down
May you be ever faithful found
Let no man take your crown

If I'm unwilling to be sure the job is done
Then I compel the King to find another one
Who will be diligent to carry out the plan
Let us determine to accept every command
Let no man take it, let no man take it

He had a reason for choosing you
You have a reason to follow through
Let no man take your crown.

Great song, great lyrics. Guard the crown the Lord has given you to wear!


1 comment:

  1. I know you must miss her terribly. She was such a light in a dark world. We are praying for you.
