Friday, August 3, 2012

Move Over, I Need My Space

     A king sized bed isn't big enough.  How has it come to this?  My wife maintains that our baby, Zebediah, sleep in our bed until he is 5 months old.  (Hey, some things are the way they are.)  So here is this baby that needs his space - and that space is half of the bed. 
Amanda Hall holding Zebediah Hall

     Yesterday I mentioned that Zedediah turned over for the first time. 
Now that he has gotten the hang of it he turns from his back to stomach during the night.  Of course he needs room to do this.  This morning I woke up on the edge of the bed and found my wife on the other side of the bed hugging the other edge.  Zebediah was smack in the middle of the bed "sleepng like a baby" taking up 3/4 of the bed!   
     So it has come to this.  I get 18" and the baby gets 36"of bed space..  Oh the sacrifices of being a dad.  I now have a new countdown.  42 days to September 13th - and I can reclaim by space!  Meanwhile, we know who commands the activity in this house.

     The picture here today is my oldest daughter holding her younger brother for the first time.  There is only 32 years, 9 months separating them.  It was good to be able to visit with Amanda for an hour between planes at DFW airport last Sunday.  Since she lives in Seattle, rare moments together are indeed precious.

     Meanwhile, enjoy the day.  God is good and life is good.


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