Tuesday, September 1, 2009

O Glorious September

September is such a beautiful month. One of the simple reasons for this is because it follows August. Now August would not be too bad except it is always hot. There is a reason people use the phrase "dog days of August". Yesterday saw the end of August and today is the beginning of September and guess what? The temperature here is cooler by 7 degrees with this holding true for the week! Now we can enjoy being outside again! Even our plants can see the light of day knowing the worst of the temperatures are over.

August was actually a very good month with many great things happening in the lives of those making up Cross Timbers Church. How awesome it is to hear the testimonies of God touching lives and speaking to individuals. Just a simple word from Him changes lives! I daily revel in the goodness of our Lord for His sweet spirit that is so evident in our church body.

Reputations do make a difference. Sunday afternoon I was watching the PGA golf tournament. Tiger Woods had made up 4 strokes and needed to make birdie on the final hole to force a sudden death playoff. His approach shot was great and he stood over a 6 foot birdie putt which he has made many, many times before. Then he did something that left everyone (including the announcers) stunned. He missed a very easy putt. Not only did he not make the putt, he was not even close. He missed the hole completely! Because it was Tiger Woods who never misses putts like this, it was a stunner to see him miss. The missed putt most likely cost him the tournament. What is amazing about this event was the announcers could only say that he missed it. If it was a 'mere mortal' missing this putt in this situation everyone would have said he "choked" on the pressure of the moment. But no one is going to say that Tiger Woods "choked". Why? It is because he has demonstrated his ability to consistently make these putts. He has a reputation of not folding under pressure. And because of this reputation Tiger Woods missed the putt but he did not "choke".

I love David's psalms in which he speaks of God laughing. One of David's undeniable truths which served him so well over the years was his knowing that God delighted in him. I have observed over the years that the person who has truly understood this basic truth is the individual most happy and free. God is so very wonderful and good. I can only feel sadness for anyone who does not know or believe this God who is so good.
Psalm 2:4 references God laughing at ruler's attempts to set themselves apart from God. All rulers seem to do what is right in their eyes with or without God's input. Yet in all reality even rulers are ultimately dependent upon the God of the Universe. It is so good to know that He is good.


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