Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Let's Go Counter-Culture

Four down and forty-seven to go (D.C. included.) Add Vermont to the list of states (Iowa, Connecticut, and Massachusetts) that has lowered the standard of marriage to include single-sex couples. The day draws closer to that point where the Church separates itself from societal norms and becomes counter-culture! Perhaps at this intersection will we find true transformation instead of the tired make-over of a society that is not too interested in putting make-up and perfume on just to look good.

Tomorrow is Passover. I'm looking forward to the Seder meal we will be having at our church. I remember my first try at a Seder meal. We had never cooked lamb before and so got out the old Betty Crocker cook book to see how it was done. We noticed that lamb was to be cooked 45 minutes. No sweat. With one hour to go before the meal in goes the lamb. 45 minutes later out comes the lamb - totally uncooked on the inner 80% of the meat! We had not noticed the directions called for 45 minutes per pound! Praise God for microwave ovens. Still, we started late by 45 minutes while waiting for the rest of the meat to cook.
As I recall this episode of life from 25 years gone by, I remember the reactions of those in attendance. Most thought it humorous, but some were upset that they did not get to eat on time. Their night was ruined because they ate at 7:15 PM instead of 6:30 PM. And it is pretty hard to have fellowship with someone who is angry over something which you had a part in. Praise God for those who have the ability to laugh! Now that I am older and wiser on such things, I know it really isn't worth getting upset over spilled milk or late Seder meals. Now if I can just remember this when I am "in the midst" my next disaster.

One mile down the road. A couple with no running car, no jobs (income), no home (sleeping in a borrowed 5'x6' tent). You are the appointed one to tell them to move off the property on which they are squatting. What do you tell them to do? What do you do?


1 comment:

  1. Was that microwaved lamb meal really 25 years ago? I actually remember that vividly. Or maybe it was a different year of microwaved lamb! In any case, I still think of it nearly every time I eat lamb!

    I hope things with the squatters turned out ok....
