Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Fiddling Around

Let me see if I get this straight.

THIS = A sub-committee of our Senate is holding hearings today on how to come up with a better system to determine college football's top team.

THIS is all we get?

THIS, at a time when President "O" today said there will be more unemployment to come down the tracks and no, the outsourced jobs are not coming back to the U.S.
THIS, at a time when no one in congress can read a stimulus bill.
THIS, at the time no one in Washington can explain how the bailout works. THIS, at the same time most pension and IRA plans have vaporized.
THIS, at the time the budget deficit is larger than any other times 3.
THIS, at the time North Korea is prepared to launch a missile to further their nuclear ambitions.
THIS, at the time Iran is putting the finishing touches on their nuclear program.
THIS, at the time when the U.S./Mexico border is in shambles.

Stop the madness. All we get is THIS?

Surely we get something else besides this from our elected elite? Ah, yes, of course there is. And what each of us gets I'm sure was designed to help the housing industry. We each get a screw!


  1. Hmmm...sounding like your primary news source might be Fox News/Limbaugh? ;-]

    I can assure you that D and I have personally been impacted in a few very life-changing and positive ways because of some of the things that Obama has already passed and put in motion. As for mopping up the messes created (or gestated) in the past decade, I think the current administration is working admirably fast and hard (and - wow - not vacationing in Texas already!).


  2. I think you missed the point of my post. It was
    not the administration that I was refering to in my post. Rather it is our Congress that is incapable of producing any meaningful legislation. This has been true for the last 15 years. Congress manages to pass trivial legislation with very little substance. In its place we are governed by Presidential directives instead of legislation. Thus Clinton, Bush, "O" (whomever is in office at the time)do what they please for good or bad (depending on one's view). Liberals say that Bush screwed us for 8 years. Conservatives say the "O" will screw us for 8 years. My post was trying to say that our Congress is screwing us through their lack of debating and passing anything of substance. All Congress does is react pro or con to Presidential directives - after the deeds are done. Watch what most Congressional hearings are about. They are held to find out what has happend, not as a means to get information leading to debate and legislation. Your reference to "O" already passing or puting in motion policies proves my point precisely. Clinton did it, Bush did it, "O" does it. We all suffer when we allow ourselves to be governed this way - regardless who is in power at the time.
