Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hurry Up and Get Here Quick, September

There are 435 people counting the days until September arrives and they can run back to their cocoon (their bubble of protection) called Washington, DC. After a month of Town Hall meetings in which our congressmen and women were ill prepared to address their constituents they can now slink back to DC and resume their careers within the safe confines of our capital. Now instead of hearing the roar of reality from their constituents they can hear the soothing words of flattery and profit from the lobbyists.

I don't think the August recess can be counted as 'recess' this year. If nothing else happened during the August recess, some members of congress were forced to actually read a bill of which they were preparing to vote. It is amazing how all the bills being passed under this administration are dire emergencies that require action and votes before the bills are read. Examples of these are: 1) the bail out of the financial institutions package, 2) the stimulus spending package, 3) the cap and trade bill, and 4) the health care reform package. It is easy to believe that some in congress still have not read the bill in spite of its controversy. Many on Capital Hill are to lazy to actually read the proposed legislation and rely on aides to handle this 'arduous' task. Is it any wonder the public holds both political parties in such contempt these days?

I can picture our Representatives an Senators marking an X on each day in their DayTimers at the stroke of midnight, crossing off another day of their 'recess', eagerly waiting for that official trip back to their cocoon.


One dominant word represents Senator Ted Kennedy. Chappaquiddick. Now may both R.I.P.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, Monday

Today Tambourine Dance camp began at our church. Ten young ladies put in a long day of 8 hours of instruction. I am so proud of these gals. They have made great strides in the past three years. Having been in other churches with Tambourine Dancers, I think CTC's rate among the best. But then I might be a little prejudiced!

While eating supper with the T&D girls I mentioned that I did something this afternoon that I had not done in a full year. They were eager to hear what it was but I told them they would have to read my blog in order to find out. How's that for getting new readers! So let me finish the rest of the blog before I come clean.

Sunday morning there were four testimonies in church. Two were rather on the "truth is stranger than fiction" side. Money blowing down the street to be freely collected and a horse being overcome by the presence of the Holy Spirit even as it's cut leg was being healed is enough to keep your attention.

How we view miracles tend to fall into one of two categories. The common view of miracles is they display God's power and authority so people will pay attention to God's claims. A different view of miracles is that miracles are a display of God's love for mankind. Through the miraculous a person's attention can be drawn to God's great love for them. I think I am opting more and more for the second view. I went grocery shopping this afternoon and ... bought a head of broccoli ... something unheard of (and not thought of) for over a year. And you thought I had done something earth shattering.

Shopping at Wal-Mart has become a special event lately. Last month one of the bloggers in our church posted a humorous post about people entering Wal-Mart using the EXIT door and leaving Wal-Mart using the ENTRANCE door. Since I have more than once slipped up and found myself going counter culture at Wal-Mart and not wanting to be caught by Nicki I must now engage in a reconnaissance mission looking for a certain van. If it is not in the parking lot then I can go shopping with l less thing on my mind. For the reason why people don't use the correct posted door it seems we have three possible reasons. 1) People don't care about trivial things such as this. 2) This is a harmless way to express rebellion to the zillion little rules governing our lives. 3) The public school system has failed to teach people how to read with comprehension. Take your pick for the excuse you will use when caught using the wrong door.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Red Neck Rule

Well, the call to breakfast mentioned in the previous post was a false run. I came down for breakfast only to learn that more family was coming for breakfast and we were out of eggs. So the "breakfast fixer" (a.k.a. sister-in-law) requested that her husband go pay the boy next door his lawn mowing money and in the process ask to borrow some eggs. Obviously, my sister-in-law has a few "red neck" rules still to learn. This pertinent one is: "Men don't go to the neighbors to borrow food." It is OK to send your children next door to borrow food, but you never ask a man to do this. A real man will drive 10 miles out of his way to buy eggs rather than go 1/4 mile to borrow eggs. Now that we are finished making our egg (and juice and cheese) run, now it is time for breakfast - unless we run out of something else!

The Great and Wonderful Fictitious Garage Sale

Yesterday I posted on Facebook that I was in Ohio helping my brother-in-laws conduct a fictitious garage sale. I had comments to this posting asking what in the world is a fictitious garage sale. Let me explain.

I traveled 900 miles to the designated location to help move, sort, and dispose of 50 years worth of "stuff". Upon arriving there had been no advance plans made. It seems that we were going to have a pow-wow Thursday night on what the procedure was going to be for the weekend. The pow-wow lasted 15 minutes with the conclusion that "no conclusion was best, that way everyone would be happy (or frustrated)." So yesterday, in my mind, we had a garage sale clearing away those 50 years of accumulated "stuff." Meanwhile, in the real world of the physical I was having a blast hanging with family (in-laws) visiting, laughing, and enjoying the life God has so graciously given us.

The day did entail 1 hour of cleaning out the old house for the world's smallest garage sale today. Some of the salvaged treasures which I will be bringing home with me is a frog door stop (cool), some old family photos, and a neat Christmas item the kids in the church will like when they come by the house. Update: A late Friday night pow-wow determined that we will call the Salvation Army to come pick up the workable big things like TV, microwave, vacuum, etc. and the rest will burn in a huge bonfire. Now the interesting thing about this garage sale/bonfire is that it was supposed to raise money for my mission trip. The bonfire idea came from me when I offered $100.00 for everything in the garage sale. When they accepted the offer I volunteered my new found "booty" to be assigned to the bonfire. With the proceeds from our fictitious garage sale my brother-in-law will be donating to my mission trip, everyone now seems happy about the arrangement. When I get home everyone is invited to stop by and see my $100.00 frog door stop!

They have just called for me to come down for breakfast and so I will end this post. Here's hoping that my next blog is not about a fictitious bonfire!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Annual Pilgrimage

I find myself awakening to an Ohio sunrise this morning. I have traveled this route before - many times in fact. On the morning of my wedding day my soon to be mother-in-law made me promise that I would bring her daughter back to Ohio at least once a year. What man would not make any promise it took in order to get the privilege of marrying the one he loves? (I am only glad that the promise was not something really hard to fulfill.) I have kept this promise every year except once. The last year of Joyce's life she was physically unable to travel back and so we missed last year's pilgrimage. I write this in order to make a confession. I have failed to keep this promise for a second time. I awoke this morning to realize I ran off to the airport yesterday and left Joyce at home! I should have brought her ashes with me to technically fulfill my vow to my mother-in-law. I have reluctantly (on the part of Joyce's family) been granted forgiveness so now I am free to move throughout the day with a merry heart! Thanks to my brother-in-laws for their grace. In this aspect they model our Heavenly Father's heart.

How awful it would be to not receive grace and to know that I would forever be unable to rectify this misdeed of mine. (Now I could go back to Texas and ship her ashes back to Ohio but that still is not the same as bringing her back to Ohio. However, shipping ashes is a little harder than calling up the UPS man for door-to-door delivery. But that is another story for another day in another world.)

Real sin is like that. Once committed we cannot ourselves remove it's sin from our life. We may be able to rectify some of circumstances and consequences caused as a result of our sin, but the deed done is still forever there. What wretched creatures we can so easily become. Who can save us from our own destiny created through our own plans and activities?
As I said earlier in this post, my brother-in-laws model our Father's heart. God, in his loving mercy, has not only chosen to forgive our sin but has also chosen to not remember our sin once it is forgiven. In our relating to God our Father, forgiveness without the forgetting of our sin doesn't work. If God would remember my sins then how could I ever freely come into his presence with joy knowing that He knows all of my sins? This remembering of my sins would negate Hebrews 4:16 real quickly because I could never approach His throne of grace with confidence.

Praise God. He is full of mercy everyday and today is no exception so we can go forth with great freedom and joy to love Him and dance with our Lord today. So have a great day filled with much laughter and joy.


PS My brother-in-laws approved of this post - especially the part about their modeling God's heart!